San Antonino 4

San Antonino 4
music for orchestras, whistles, cars and yellow boats
for the port of the city of Mar del Plata (2016 – 2018)

Martín Virgili

December 8, 2024 – 11 a.m.
Port of the city of Mar del Plata

Special collaboration for the development of the project
Mariano Losi

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Emotional representation of the unique work “San Antonino” in the Port
The original work “San Antonino” will be performed next Sunday
“San Antonino”, the music of the Port of Mar del Plata

“San Antonino” is a musical composition made for the port of Mar del Plata. We intend to make a space of 80,000 square meters audible by intervening in its sound landscape with different sound sources. This work, which can be understood at the local, regional and global levels, explores the ways in which art can help denaturalize understandings of geographic spaces and recover untold histories of a region.

The project consists of two horn and whistle ensembles (located in the southern and northern breakwaters), two cars with sirens (moving along the southern breakwater) and yellow boats equipped with sirens, horns and musicians, and a plane. In addition, a high-range sound system, located at the top of “the Christ” statue on the southern breakwater, will reproduce field shots of sounds from the annual nautical pilgrimage and everyday life at the port.

San Antonino goes back to the myths that forged the construction of a local identity, such as “the nautical pilgrimage”, “the feast of the fishermen”, “the waters’ baptism”, and asks us to think of the modes of appropriation and significance of the territory that these vernacular rituals promote. But he is fundamentally interested in designing a contemporary popular festival.

Deeply local, this music, complex for interpretation due to the coordination it requires, has in its sights an idea of ​​art understood as social sculpture, that is, an art of agreements between peers, an art that thrives on the joy of generating a shared project for a community benefit. An art of peace. San Antonino is the sound of a place, and therefore, of those who inhabit it.

San Antonino is a musical project with a strong heritage stamp. The composition is mobilized by the deteriorated situation of the yellow boats of Mar del Plata and the other heritage assets (tangible and intangible) of the Port of the city. Without losing sight of the festive nature of popular music, San Antonino also seeks to direct attention to the port’s territory and its material circumstances, that is: its sounds, its practices, its history, its social relationships, its symbols.

Andante de sirenas con marcato de trompas y silbatos.
Vocazioni animate de las escolleras.
Proclama emotivo al Puerto de Mar del Plata.
Entrata trionfale de los barcos.
Passerella a filo de banderas y pañuelos.
Danza delle barche con poema a las familias fundadoras.
Grande cadenza.
Canción del pescador: Madonnina del mare.
Homenaje. Omaggio solenne.
Amado Mar del Sur, ti ricordiamo con i fiori.
Grande finale, maestoso ed esplosivo, con bombas, gritos, coros e luci.

General Coordination
Mario Gemin
Leopoldo Juanes
Mariano Losi
Guido Bressan
Manuel Morilla
Martín Virgili

Direction of Navigation
Manuel Morilla

Martín Virgili

Musical direction Escollera Norte
Facundo Passeri

Musical direction Escollera Sur
Celeste Sangiao
Camila Suero

Musical direction Barcos
Javier Bustos
Sebastian Sartal
Leopoldo Juanes
Morita Vargas
Martín Virgili

El Recicle
Coro del Mar
LaSo (Sound Laboratory)
Negra40 Ensemble

Fortuna II

Martín Virgili

Gastón Mazières

Sabrina Salomón

Paola Belfiore

Translation and text editing
Pamela Guruciaga

Graphic design
Mario Gemin

Web design
Jorge Ihlenfeld

Esteban Pressa
Lucila Dovao
Mario Gemin
Denise Sartal
Gustavo Frittegotto
Negron Alfonso Bernardo

Matias Tazza
Lucila Dovao
Negron Alfonso Bernardo
Santiago Álvaro

Federico Cavilla

UTN Mar del PLata

Mar del Plata
December 8, 2024

Dedicated to the seas of the world